ASUSが新スマホ「ZenFone AR」を発表へ!

ASUSTeK Computer(以下、ASUS)がアメリカ・ラスベガスにて2017年1月5日(木)から8日(日)まで開催される世界最大級のIT・家電関連イベント「2017 International CES(CES 2017)」にて新しいスマートフォン(スマホ)「ZenFone AR」を発表することが明らかになりました。


なお、すでに紹介しているようにASUSではCES 2017に合わせて現地時間の2017年1月4日(水)11時30分からプレスカンファレンス「Zennovation」を開催する予定。ZenFone AR以外にもカメラのズーム機能に対応した「ZenFone 3 Zoom」も発表されると見られています。

Qualcommが掲載したページには以下のような内容が掲載されていました。ZenFone ARはハイエンド向けプロセッサー「Snapdragon 821」を搭載し、TangoとDaydreamに両対応する世界初の製品だとのこと。



At CES 2017, ASUS announced the ZenFone AR, the world’s first Tango-enabled smartphone to be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor. It will also be the world’s first mobile device to be both Tango-enabled and Daydream-ready. Tango is a set of sensors and computer vision software that supports smartphone augmented reality experiences. Daydream is Google's platform for high quality, mobile virtual reality.

The ZenFone AR is the second commercially available Tango-enabled smartphone. The Lenovo PHAB2 Pro, powered by the Snapdragon 652 processor, was the first, launched in June, and is available now. The Snapdragon 652, 653, 820 and 821 processors all support Tango, and so will future Snapdragon 800 series and 600 series processors. All of these processors have a few things in common in terms of their leading ability to support Tango:

・Snapdragon processors are engineered to support computationally intensive Tango use cases that involve motion tracking, depth perception, and area learning using cutting-edge computer vision, graphics and sensor processing.
・All Tango-related processing is done on a single, highly efficient SoC (system-on-a-chip), so users of the ZenFone AR can enjoy high-performance smartphone AR user experiences with long battery life.


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ASUS ZenFone AR is world’s first Snapdragon 821 powered Tango-enabled smartphone | Qualcomm
Asus ZenFone AR revealed, the second Google Tango phone - The Verge