iPhone 12シリーズをペースメーカーなどの医療機器に近づけすぎないようにご注意を!

Appleは23日(現地時間)、最新スマートフォン(スマホ)「iPhone 12」および「iPhone 12 mini」、「iPhone 12 Pro」、「iPhone 12 Pro Max」やその周辺機器であるMagSafe対応アクセサリーをペースメーカーやICD(埋込式除細動器)などの医療機器に近づけないよう注意するようサポートページを更新しています。

同社ではこれらのiPhone 12シリーズやMagSafe対応アクセサリーについて以前のiPhoneシリーズの製品と比べて医療機器への磁気干渉のリスクが高いとは予想されていないものの、多くの磁石や無線機器を搭載しており、潜在的な相互作用を回避するためだとしています。



iPhone 12シリーズには新機能として磁石でぴたっとくっついてワイヤレス充電ができるMagsafeに対応し、iPhone 12シリーズの各製品の背面には磁石が搭載されています。


そうしたことからiPhone 12およびiPhone 12 Proが発売された直後の2020年10月27日に該当のサポートページが掲載されていましたが、新たにiPhone 12シリーズだけでなく、MagSafe対応アクセサリーを含め、さらに具体的に通常は15cm以上、MagSafeで充電中は30cm以上離すように修正されました。

医療専門誌のHeartRhythmによると、iPhone 12をICDを利用している患者に近づけて相互作用を確認したところ、iPhone 12を左胸部のICDに近づけるとICDが停止する現象が複数回確認されたと報告しており、胸ポケットに入れて持ち歩いたりすることは避けるよう警告しており、Appleではこうした結果に配慮してより具体的な内容に修正したものと見られています。

iPhone contains magnets as well as components and radios that emit electromagnetic fields. These magnets and electromagnetic fields might interfere with medical devices, such as pacemakers and defibrillators.

Though all iPhone 12 models contain more magnets than prior iPhone models, they're not expected to pose a greater risk of magnetic interference to medical devices than prior iPhone models.

Consult your physician and medical device manufacturer for information specific to your medical device and whether you need to maintain a safe distance of separation between your medical device and iPhone. There are many types of medical devices, and manufacturers often provide recommendations on the safe use of their devices around wireless or magnetic products to prevent possible interference. If you suspect iPhone is interfering with your medical device, stop using your iPhone.

We provide more information on medical device interference at Important safety information for iPhone in the iPhone User Guide.

Published Date: October 27, 2020

iPhone contains magnets as well as components and radios that emit electromagnetic fields. All MagSafe accessories (each sold separately) also contain magnets—and MagSafe Charger and MagSafe Duo Charger contain radios. These magnets and electromagnetic fields might interfere with medical devices.

Though all iPhone 12 models contain more magnets than prior iPhone models, they're not expected to pose a greater risk of magnetic interference to medical devices than prior iPhone models.

Medical devices such as implanted pacemakers and defibrillators might contain sensors that respond to magnets and radios when in close contact. To avoid any potential interactions with these devices, keep your iPhone and MagSafe accessories a safe distance away from your device (more than 6 inches / 15 cm apart or more than 12 inches / 30 cm apart if wirelessly charging). But consult with your physician and your device manufacturer for specific guidelines.

Consult your physician and medical device manufacturer for information specific to your medical device and whether you need to maintain a safe distance of separation between your medical device and iPhone or any MagSafe accessories. Manufacturers often provide recommendations on the safe use of their devices around wireless or magnetic products to prevent possible interference. If you suspect iPhone or any MagSafe accessories are interfering with your medical device, stop using your iPhone or MagSafe accessories.

We provide more information on safety at Important safety information for iPhone in the iPhone User Guide.

Published Date: January 23, 2021


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About the magnets inside iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, and MagSafe accessories - Apple Support
Life Saving Therapy Inhibition by Phones Containing Magnets - Heart Rhythm