AppleがiPhoneなど向けiOS 18.2とiPadOS 18.2をリリース! |
Appleは11日(現地時間)、同社が販売するスマートフォン(スマホ)「iPhone」シリーズ向けプラットフォーム「iOS」とタブレット「iPad」シリーズ向けプラットフォーム「iPadOS」の最新バージョン「iOS 18.2(22C152)」および「iPadOS 18.2(22C152)」を提供開始したとお知らせしています。
変更点はApple IntelligenceにImage Playgroundやジェン文字、作文ツールの機能強化、ChatGPTへのシームレスな対応、ビジュアルインテリジェンスの導入が行なわれるほか、対応言語の拡張も開始され、オーストラリアやカナダ、アイルランド、ニュージーランド、南アフリカ、英国といった英語のローカライズに対応します。またiPhone 16 ProおよびiPhone 16 Pro Maxでは「ボイスメモ」アプリにてレイヤーのある録音が利用可能になるとのこと。
またiPhone 16シリーズではカメラコントロールの2段階シャッターによってカメラコントロールを軽く押すとカメラのフォーカスと露出を固定できるようになったり、それ以外の機種でも「写真」アプリにおいてビデオの表示が改善されてフレーム単位でのスクラブやビデオの自動ループ再生をオフにする設定などが可能になったり、コレクションビュー間の移動が改善され、右にスワイプして前のビューに戻ることもできるようになったりといった機能の追加や改善が行われています。
対象機種はiOS 18では最新の「iPhone 16」シリーズを含めてiOS 17と同様にiPhone XSシリーズやiPhone XR以降やiPhone SE(第2世代)以降の21機種が対象で、iPadOS 18ではiPadOS 17とは異なってiPad(第7世代)以降およびiPad mini(第5世代)以降、iPad Air(第3世代)以降、11インチおよび13インチiPad Air(M2)、11インチおよび13インチiPad Pro(M4)、12.9インチiPad Pro(第3世代)以降、11インチiPad Pro(第1世代)以降となっており、各製品にて無料で更新可能です。
一方、iPadOS 17の対象機種だったiPad(第6世代)や12.9インチiPad Pro(第2世代)、10.5インチiPad Proは対象外となり、これらの機種には合わせて古いiPhoneやiPad向けにセキュリティーアップデートを行う「iPadOS 17.7.3」を提供開始しているほか、パソコン「Mac」向け「macOS Sequoia 15.2」、スマートウォッチ「Apple Watch」向け「watchOS 11.2」、セットトップボックス「Apple TV」向け「tv 18.2」、スマートヘッドセット「Apple Vision」向け「visionOS 2.2」なども配信開始しています。
iPhone向けのiOSやiPad向けのiPadOSの最新メジャーバージョンとして先ごろよりiOS 18.0とiPadOS 18.0が提供開始され、その後、iOS 18.1およびiPadOS 18.1やそれらにおける重要なセキュリティー修正を行うiOS 18.1.1およびiPadOS 18.1.1がリリースされていましたが、今回、新たに機能の追加や改善などを行うiOS 18.2およびiPadOS 18.2が配信開始されました。iOS 18.2およびiPadOS 18.2の対象機種は以下の通り。
<iOS 18対応製品>
・iPhone 16
・iPhone 16 Plus
・iPhone 16 Pro
・iPhone 16 Pro Max
・iPhone 15
・iPhone 15 Plus
・iPhone 15 Pro
・iPhone 15 Pro Max
・iPhone 14
・iPhone 14 Plus
・iPhone 14 Pro
・iPhone 14 Pro Max
・iPhone 13
・iPhone 13 mini
・iPhone 13 Pro
・iPhone 13 Pro Max
・iPhone 12
・iPhone 12 mini
・iPhone 12 Pro
・iPhone 12 Pro Max
・iPhone 11
・iPhone 11 Pro
・iPhone 11 Pro Max
・iPhone XS
・iPhone XS Max
・iPhone XR
・iPhone SE(第2世代)
・iPhone SE(第3世代)
<iPadOS 18対応製品>
・iPad mini(第5世代)
・iPad mini(第6世代)
・iPad mini(A17 Pro)
・iPad Air(第3世代)
・iPad Air(第4世代)
・iPad Air(第5世代)
・11インチiPad Air(M2)
・13インチiPad Air(M2)
・12.9インチiPad Pro(第3世代)
・12.9インチiPad Pro(第4世代)
・12.9インチiPad Pro(第5世代)
・12.9インチiPad Pro(第6世代)
・13インチiPad Pro(M4)
・11インチiPad Pro(第1世代)
・11インチiPad Pro(第2世代)
・11インチiPad Pro(第3世代)
・11インチiPad Pro(第4世代)
・11インチiPad Pro(M4)
更新は従来通り各製品本体のみでOTA(On-The-Air)によりダウンロードで行え、方法としては、「設定」→「一般」→「ソフトウェア・アップデート」から行え、単体でアップデートする場合のダウンロードサイズは手持ちのiPhone 15 Pro MaxでiOS 18.1.1からだと2.05GBとなっています。またiTunesをインストールしたWindowsおよびMacとUSB-Lightningケーブルで接続しても実施できます。なお、Appleが案内しているアップデートの内容およびセキュリティーコンテンツの修正は以下の通り。
iOS 18.2
カメラコントロール(iPhone 16、iPhone 16 Plus、iPhone 16 Pro、iPhone 16 Pro Max)
・ファイルダウンロードのライブアクティビティにより、ファイルのダウンロードの進行状況がDynamic Islandやホーム画面に表示されます
・“ボイスメモ”がレイヤーのある録音に対応し、ヘッドフォンを使用しなくても既存の曲のアイデアにボーカルを追加でき、作成した2トラックのプロジェクトを直接Logic Proに読み込むことができます(iPhone 16 Pro、iPhone 16 Pro Max)
・キプロス、チェコ共和国、フランス、イタリア、ルクセンブルク、ルーマニア、スペイン、アラブ首長国連邦、およびイギリスで、AirPods Pro 2でのAppleのヒアリングチェックプログラムに対応しました
・アラブ首長国連邦で、AirPods Pro 2でのAppleのヒアリング補助プログラムに対応しました
・カメラのナイトモードで長時間露光を撮影すると、写真が劣化して表示される問題を修正しました(iPhone 16 Pro、iPhone 16 Pro Max)
iPadOS 18.2
・キプロス、チェコ共和国、フランス、イタリア、ルクセンブルク、ルーマニア、スペイン、アラブ首長国連邦、およびイギリスで、AirPods Pro 2でのAppleのヒアリングチェックプログラムに対応しました
・アラブ首長国連邦で、AirPods Pro 2でのAppleのヒアリング補助プログラムに対応しました
iOS 18.2 and iPadOS 18.2
Released December 11, 2024
- AppleMobileFileIntegrity
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: A malicious app may be able to access private information
Description: The issue was addressed with improved checks.
CVE-2024-54526: Mickey Jin (@patch1t), Arsenii Kostromin (0x3c3e)
- AppleMobileFileIntegrity
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An app may be able to access sensitive user data
Description: This issue was addressed with improved checks.
CVE-2024-54527: Mickey Jin (@patch1t)
- Audio
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: Muting a call while ringing may not result in mute being enabled
Description: An inconsistent user interface issue was addressed with improved state management.
CVE-2024-54503: Micheal Chukwu and an anonymous researcher
- Crash Reporter
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An app may be able to access sensitive user data
Description: A permissions issue was addressed with additional restrictions.
CVE-2024-54513: an anonymous researcher
- FontParser
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted font may result in the disclosure of process memory
Description: The issue was addressed with improved checks.
CVE-2024-54486: Hossein Lotfi (@hosselot) of Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative
- ImageIO
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted image may result in disclosure of process memory
Description: The issue was addressed with improved checks.
CVE-2024-54500: Junsung Lee working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative
- Kernel
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An attacker may be able to create a read-only memory mapping that can be written to
Description: A race condition was addressed with additional validation.
CVE-2024-54494: sohybbyk
- Kernel
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An app may be able to leak sensitive kernel state
Description: A race condition was addressed with improved locking.
CVE-2024-54510: Joseph Ravichandran (@0xjprx) of MIT CSAIL
- Kernel
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An app may be able to cause unexpected system termination or corrupt kernel memory
Description: The issue was addressed with improved memory handling.
CVE-2024-44245: an anonymous researcher
- libexpat
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: A remote attacker may cause an unexpected app termination or arbitrary code execution
Description: This is a vulnerability in open source code and Apple Software is among the affected projects. The CVE-ID was assigned by a third party. Learn more about the issue and CVE-ID at
- libxpc
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An app may be able to break out of its sandbox
Description: The issue was addressed with improved checks.
CVE-2024-54514: an anonymous researcher
- libxpc
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An app may be able to gain elevated privileges
Description: A logic issue was addressed with improved checks.
CVE-2024-44225: 风沐云烟(@binary_fmyy)
- Passwords
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An attacker in a privileged network position may be able to alter network traffic
Description: This issue was addressed by using HTTPS when sending information over the network.
CVE-2024-54492: Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk of Mysk Inc. (@mysk_co)
- Safari
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: On a device with Private Relay enabled, adding a website to the Safari Reading List may reveal the originating IP address to the website
Description: The issue was addressed with improved routing of Safari-originated requests.
CVE-2024-44246: Jacob Braun
- SceneKit
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted file may lead to a denial of service
Description: The issue was addressed with improved checks.
CVE-2024-54501: Michael DePlante (@izobashi) of Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative
- VoiceOver
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: An attacker with physical access to an iOS device may be able to view notification content from the lock screen
Description: The issue was addressed by adding additional logic.
CVE-2024-54485: Abhay Kailasia (@abhay_kailasia) from C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram India
- WebKit
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to an unexpected process crash
Description: The issue was addressed with improved checks.
WebKit Bugzilla: 278497
CVE-2024-54479: Seunghyun Lee
WebKit Bugzilla: 281912
CVE-2024-54502: Brendon Tiszka of Google Project Zero
- WebKit
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to an unexpected process crash
Description: The issue was addressed with improved memory handling.
WebKit Bugzilla: 282180
CVE-2024-54508: linjy of HKUS3Lab and chluo of WHUSecLab, Xiangwei Zhang of Tencent Security YUNDING LAB
- WebKit
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to memory corruption
Description: A type confusion issue was addressed with improved memory handling.
WebKit Bugzilla: 282661
CVE-2024-54505: Gary Kwong
- WebKit
Available for: iPhone XS and later, iPad Pro 13-inch, iPad Pro 12.9-inch 3rd generation and later, iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation and later, iPad Air 3rd generation and later, iPad 7th generation and later, and iPad mini 5th generation and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to memory corruption
Description: The issue was addressed with improved memory handling.
WebKit Bugzilla: 277967
CVE-2024-54534: Tashita Software Security
Additional recognition
We would like to acknowledge Abhay Kailasia (@abhay_kailasia) of Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Bhopal India, Andr.Ess, Jake Derouin, Jason Gendron (@gendron_jason) for their assistance.
App Protection
We would like to acknowledge Abhay Kailasia (@abhay_kailasia) of Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Bhopal India for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Abhay Kailasia (@abhay_kailasia) of Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Bhopal India for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge 椰椰 for their assistance.
FaceTime Foundation
We would like to acknowledge Joshua Pellecchia for their assistance.
Family Sharing
We would like to acknowledge Abhay Kailasia (@abhay_kailasia) of Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Bhopal India, J T for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Katzenfutter for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Bistrit Dahal, Chi Yuan Chang of ZUSO ART and taikosoup, Finlay James (@Finlay1010), Rizki Maulana (, Srijan Poudel for their assistance.
Photos Storage
We would like to acknowledge Jake Derouin ( for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Junming C. (@Chapoly1305) and Prof. Qiang Zeng of George Mason University for their assistance.
Quick Response
We would like to acknowledge an anonymous researcher for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Jayateertha Guruprasad for their assistance.
Safari Private Browsing
We would like to acknowledge Richard Hyunho Im (@richeeta) with Route Zero Security for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Akshith Muddasani, Bistrit Dahal, Emanuele Slusarz for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Srijan Poudel for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Abhay Kailasia (@abhay_kailasia) from LNCT Bhopal and C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram India for their assistance.
Status Bar
We would like to acknowledge Abhay Kailasia (@abhay_kailasia) of Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Bhopal India, Andr.Ess for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Marc Schoenefeld, Dr. rer. nat. for their assistance.
Time Zone
We would like to acknowledge Abhay Kailasia (@abhay_kailasia) from LNCT Bhopal and C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram India for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Hafiizh for their assistance.
We would like to acknowledge Felix Kratz for their assistance.
・エスマックス(S-MAX) smaxjp on Twitter
・S-MAX - Facebookページ
・iOS 18 関連記事一覧 - S-MAX
・iPadOS 18 関連記事一覧 - S-MAX
・Apple Intelligence now features Image Playground, Genmoji, and more - Apple
・Voice Memos update brings Layered Recording to iPhone 16 Pro lineup - Apple
・iOS 18 のアップデートについて - Apple サポート (日本)
・iPadOS 18 のアップデートについて - Apple サポート (日本)
・iOS 18.2 および iPadOS 18.2 のセキュリティコンテンツについて - Apple サポート (日本)
・Apple セキュリティアップデート - Apple サポート